Legal Warning


Social denomination: José María Martínez Verdú

Adress: C/: Avda de Levante, nº 38, piso 3ºB – C.P. 30520 Jumilla (Murcia) – Apdo. Mails: 373

CIF: 29047836D

Telf.: (+34) 911 92 40 02

Móvil: (+34) 637 243 939 / (+34) 617 290 171


Registry data: Inscrita en el R.M. de Murcia, tomo 0243, folio 164, hoja MU-00057715, inscripción 1ª, fecha de inscripcion 03/05/06.

Access to the website implies acceptance of these general and particular conditions contained in this website, therefore, it is recommended that all users of the site read these conditions before browsing the site.


The user declares that he is of the legal minimum age for the consumption of alcohol.

The user undertakes by these general conditions, to use the website in accordance with the law, morality, public order and generally accepted good customs, refraining from operating on the page for harmful purposes or attacks against the image of José María Martínez Verdú in the market. Likewise, the user will refrain from carrying out any type of act that may damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website.


The user will also be liable for damages of any kind produced as a direct or indirect consequence of breaching the general conditions contained in this legal notice, as well as the particular ones that complement or develop these general conditions.

José María Martínez Verdú reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the contents of the page as well as the configuration of the website, being able to limit, suspend or prevent access in whole or in part at its absolute discretion.

Likewise, it is not responsible for any damage or harm that may be caused to users caused by accessing the web in the hardware or software of their computers, and cannot guarantee that they are free of viruses, in their files, systems, etc.

If any user receives any commercial communication via e-mail without having been requested, please contact us at the following addresses, in order to avoid a repeat of this situation: José María Martínez Verdú, C/: Avda de Levante, nº 38, 3ºB floor – ZIP: 30520 Jumilla (Murcia) Spain, Phone: (+34) 911 92 40 02, E-mail:


Vineyards and Wineries J.M. Martínez Verdú, S.L. provides access to other third-party websites through links, however it is not responsible for the content of these websites or the result obtained by the user if they access.

In the event that there are links that may be produced from third-party web pages to, José María Martínez Verdú is not responsible for the content of said pages, nor for the correct functioning of said links.

Along with said link, false, inaccurate or incorrect statements may not be made, which may mislead the contents of the website, or are contrary to law, morality, public order or generally accepted custom, and which may damage the image in the virtual market of José María Martínez Verdú, clients or any third party that is related to José María Martínez Verdú.


José María Martínez Verdú guarantees that all the data collected through the form will be used in the manner and with the limitations and rights granted by Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD).

By accepting this letter, you acknowledge that the information and data provided to José María Martínez Verdú through the form are accurate and truthful. Failure to complete or partially complete the information requested in the electronic form could mean that José María Martínez Verdú, could not meet your request.

José María Martínez Verdú understands that by filling in the requested forms and unless expressly mentioned by the User, he expressly accepts the inclusion of his data collected in the automated personal data file referred to in the previous section, as well as the assignment of the same to his Commercial Network so that they may be incorporated for the same purposes in his computerized files.

José María Martínez Verdú informs of the voluntary nature of the data collection in the forms and its non-response does not entail any negative consequence. The user may exercise, with reference to their data provided through the forms, the right of access to the aforementioned files, in order to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to them by express communication to:

José María Martínez Verdú, C/: Avda de Levante, nº 38, piso 3ºB – C.P.: 30520 Jumilla (Murcia) España,
Telf.: (+34) 911 92 40 02,


The brands of the products that appear on this website are the exclusive property of José María Martínez Verdú

Access does not imply in any case any license for its reproduction and/or distribution, prohibited except with the prior and express consent of José María Martínez Verdú

The copyright of the material contained in this website is the property of José María Martínez Verdú and cannot be used except with the prior and express consent of the same.

All content, images, photographs, designs, logos, labels, are the property of their authors, having express authorization for their use on the website


The general conditions set forth in the corresponding legal notice will be governed by the Spanish Jurisdiction, with the courts and tribunals of Jumilla being competent to resolve any conflict that may arise from these conditions.